Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rewarding oneself for good disease management.

I feel like I experience burnout more often than normal, due to the fact I am managing two autoimmune diseases instead of just one (well, technically I'm managing three, but the first two require much more work/daily diligence than the third). How I keep myself motivated is with little rewards. I don't like to reward myself with food treats, since my hips get mad at me (as does the double chin that suddenly appears). So non-food treats is where I turn to. I don't want to blow out my monthly budget on a treat, so I find inexpensive treats. Like what I bought today!

Today, I treated myself to some new jammie shorts from Target. Two were clearanced out, the other two were on sale. Four pair for a grand total of $25. They are so comfy! The secret is to buy all pj bottoms one size bigger than you actually wear, so they aren't tight-fitting on your waist or tummy. Plus, I don't like tight waistbands rubbing my CGM or insulin pump off my stomach/back while I sleep. That's urrritating.

Do you reward yourself for good behavior? How do you keep yourself motivated?

1 comment:

  1. I definitely reward myself...usually with something that is like a treat--massage, book, magazine, clothing/accessories, and yes, sometimes with food. Finding the motivation is harder...what motivates me is knowing I feel better overall when I take care of myself.
