Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The newest addition.

I broke down today and purchased a Kitchen Aid stand mixer. It was an inevitable purchase, really. As a celiac, I can't eat regular bread/muffins/cookies/baked goods. If I want to purchase a loaf of gluten free bread (none of which are low carb either), it will cost me between $6-$10 a LOAF. A loaf that is smaller than the normal bread ones.

I want to start making my own bread and muffins, number one because of price and availability, and number two because I want to control what ingredients are in it (I can make it healthier and higher in fiber). The problem is that no mixer can hold up to gluten free dough, which is tougher, thicker, and feels like it weighs about 10 lbs. My last hand mixer (bless it's little heart) tried hard to mix through the gluten free dough, but alas, it let off a horrible burning smell and died mid-mixture. RIP.

Everyone (celiacs, at least) has been telling that I need to get a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, the seemingly only mixer that can stand up to gluten free dough. But who wants to drop $350 on a mixer??? But that's exactly what I did today. I bought the cadillac version with the big-a** 425 watt motor. It's huge and even looks mean. I mean, seriously, it looks like it could kill someone. It's got personality and I plan on naming it. I love it.


  1. I was just going to ask - are you going to name it? You'll have to give it an equally bad-a name. Brutus - or something.

  2. OMG, I JUST bought the exact same mixer, same model, same colour same everything two weeks ago. Do you have any good home made gluten-free bread recipes?!

  3. I am smiling because I have that same mixer although mine's silver. I got it about a year ago and it's fabulous. Easily my favorite kitchen appliance ever. That sucker is powerful. They're not kidding in the book when it says how you'll need to be careful when a recipe says "beat for 2 minutes" because this mixer will do the job in half the time! Enjoy!

  4. I can't wait to have that mixer for myself...someday! You'll have to post pics of all the good stuff you make. :)

  5. RIP, wimpy mixer. I love your new one!! I've had mine for over 10 years, and they don't die!! : ) I love your BA looking black one though! : ) (Mine's wimpy white.) Be sure and use the bread hook though!
    I wanna see some bread recipes too! : )

  6. I have the 6 qt. Kitchen Aid in red. I rarely NEED the big bowl, but I LOVE having it and I can't imagine baking/cooking without it.

  7. The bread recipe I plan on making, which I heard about in a gf cooking class is called "Noah's Rolls" and is found at this link:

    I plan on trying other bread recipes from this site, because I've been to her cooking classes and know what a fabulous cook she is!!!
