Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mayo Clinic begins 7am tmrw morning.....

Today was a good day. I forced it to be. Nothing was going to get me down today. I ignored the fact it was 104 degrees out (actual temp), ignored that with humidity, the temp felt more like 116, and ignored the fact I'm on a strict budget, and went shopping anyway.

It was fun meandering around the stores, with no aim or purpose.

I was also happy that my tooth problem resolved itself over night (whew!) Which totally made my day.

Tomorrow I have a full day of testing and appointments at the Mayo Clinic to check my Eosinophilia disease and my Type 1 diabetes. Then I report to each doctor tomorrow to go over the results of the lab.

I'm keeping a positive outlook even tho I feel pretty nervous.

I'll be checking in by writing some new blogs as I get new information, so you might see a few different blogs from me tomorrow.

Wish me luck/keep me in your prayers. Y'all are in mine, too! Enjoy your days tomorrow, kittens! Make it a great day!

Check back with me tomorrow morning....

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your tooth problem resolved itself! Whew! Good luck today, I'll be sending good vibes up north!
